Halifax Club

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Halifax Club  Halifax, NS

Halifax Club

In 1996, G.F. Duffs & Co. Ltd. (now part of DSRA) prepared a Conservation Study for the Halifax Club, originally constructed in 1862. The report indicated that there was a need for urgent repairs and proposed a multi-phase conservation program. Some repairs to the south wall were undertaken in 1996 and contract documents were prepared for the remainder. The contract comprised the conservation of the masonry facade from the sidewalk to the roof, as well as new historically compatible cast iron screens and railings; miscellaneous repairs in the back alley, including a section of brick veneer and some rotted window frames; the replacement of the window sashes and new double glazed windows; leaded copper flashing to cornices; replacing the roofing and shingling the parapet; coating the west wall with Thorocoat in an historic colour scheme and accent lighting.